Parent Volunteer Opportunities
- Team Parent - In charge of the team party, trophies (participation trophies for the younger ages), and coaches’ gifts at the end of the season. Also will collect any money needed for the team.
- Snack Coordinator - Coordinate signup genius for team snacks after each game.
- Uniform Coordinator - Coordinate with manager to pick up team uniforms and get names embroidered on the backs of hats.
- Scoreboard (Visiting team) (Texas, NL, and AL) - Visitor team provides scoreboard keeper for each game (using DAK score app).
- Game Changer (NL and AL) - Keep score and track stats/plays through Game Changer (app to keep scores, track stats etc)
- Pitch Counter (NL and AL) - Keep pitch count for each pitcher and communicate to coaches and umpires as requested.
- OPTIONAL - Walk up songs - Coordinate walk up songs for each team member and play before each at bat during games.
- Head Coach / Manager
- Assistant Coach
- Assistant Coach
- Team Parent - In charge of the team party, trophies (participation trophies for the younger ages), and coaches’ gifts at the end of the season. Also will collect any money needed for the team.
- Uniform Coordinator / Snack Coordinator - Coordinate signup genius for team snacks after each game and coordinate with manager to pick up team jerseys and get names embroidered on the backs of hats.
- Gala Coordinator - Coordinate collection of an item for the auction with a value of $250 or more. Encourage your team’s attendance at the Gala. Encourage each team member to sell 10 raffle tickets for Gala.
- Moms Weekend - Coordinate moms coach weekend, coaching the team, line ups, etc. Also can include coordinating matching moms coaches shirts, tutus, socks for players etc. No specific requirements, but this is always a lot of fun.
- Picture Coordinator - Distribute and collect picture order forms and payment for team pictures on opening day.
- Scoreboard (Visiting team) (Texas, NL, and AL) - Visitor team provides scoreboard keeper for each game (using DAK score app).
- Game Changer (NL and AL) - Keep score and track stats/plays through Game Changer (app to keep scores, track stats etc)
- Pitch Counter (NL and AL) - Keep pitch count for each pitcher and communicate to coaches and umpires as requested.
- OPTIONAL: Team banner / pennants - Approximately $10 – $20 per player depending on style. Responsible for creating, bringing and hanging banner / pennants on the fence during games. Typically includes all team player names and numbers along with team name logos/colors
- OPTIONAL: Walk up songs - Coordinate walk up songs for each team member and play before each at bat during games.