Before you register, please reference Little League’s Age Chart to confirm your player’s correct LEAGUE AGE.

League Age: Your child’s “League Age” is determined by the Little League International age chart. The age determination date for your player for the upcoming spring 2024 spring season is the actual age of your child on August 31, 2024.
Teeball is usually a family’s first introduction to BLL.
Teeball players use bats and balls designated specifically with safety in mind. Umpires are not used because the score is not kept and outs are not recorded. Coaches are allowed on the field during play to help players with alertness and defensive positioning.
All practices and games are held on Gee Field at Horn Elementary. Teams meet twice each week: Saturday sometime between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, plus either Monday or Wednesday beginning at 5:00 pm or 6:15 pm. Practices and games typically last 60 minutes.
Regardless of your baseball experience, we strongly encourage you to apply to volunteer as a coach or some other volunteer position within our league. While Bellaire Little League contracts with Little Sluggers to provide skilled coaching assistants to help run practices and games during the Tee Ball season, parents play a crucial role in making Tee Ball a positive experience for their children and the foundation for continued participation in our league for years to come.
Read More on the Tee Ball Rules Page.
Rookie Ball
Rookie Ball is BLL’s version of "half Tee Ball and half pitching machine.” The ball is pitched at 28 mph from a machine positioned on the grass in front of the mound, but in the event of three missed swings, a hitter will be given the chance to hit from a batting tee. This level uses a semi-soft ball that is not quite as hard as a regular baseball. While the score is not kept, the hitter and runners may be called out by the coaches and returned to the dugout. Two coaches are allowed on the field to help with alertness and defensive positioning.
All practices and games are held at Horn Elementary (Fox Field, Kindle Field, and Gee Field). Teams meet twice each week: Saturday sometime between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, plus either Tuesday or Thursday beginning at 5:00 pm or 6:30 pm. Practices and games typically last 75 minutes.
Read More on the Rookie Ball Rules Page.
Texas League
Texas League is BLL’s primary pitching machine league. The ball is pitched at 38mph from a machine positioned at the standard Little League distance of 46 feet. Players use a regular (hard) little league baseball. At least one umpire is used for every game. Field scoreboards are turned on, win-loss records are tracked, and a competitive post-season tournament is the highlight of every season.
All practices and games are held at Horn Elementary (Fox Field and Kindle Field). Teams meet three times each week on a combination of Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday, but families should prepare to play each Saturday. Weekday touches begin at 5:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m., while Saturday touches typically begin between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Practices and games last 90 minutes, but players are also expected to arrive for warmups approximately 45 minutes before every game.
Read More on the Texas League Rules Page.
National League
Read More on the National League Rules Page.
American League
Read More on the American League Rules Page.